Penjelasan Noun Phrase Beserta Terjemahannya

Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase is a phrase the noun, pronoun, or a number (functioning as head) and one or more modifier.
Noun phrase is used when a single noun is not specific enough to point to a noun.

Noun Phrase used to describe a noun with a clearer description. Suppose, girlmenjadi beautiful girl, boy into a handsome boy. So when we use the Noun Phrase then we not only show a noun, but also to provide a clearer explanation or specific to the noun.

To use the Noun Phrase, set down using the following wording:

The wording Noun Phrase: Adj + N or N + Adj + Prep

Information :
Adj = Adjective (adjective)
N = Noun (noun)
Prep = Preposition (preposition)

Example Sentences Noun Phrase:

You want to say to a friend there that one woman who was dikerumunan people are your brothers. Then you can say:

The fair-skinned woman with a red T-shirt and black skirt is my sister.
Basic Noun Phrase

Basic component noun phrase consists of:

determiner, namely: pre (multiplier, fraction, distributive, intensifier, exclamative), central (article, possessive, demonstrative), and / or post-determiner (number, quantifier).
head, namely: noun or numeral / number.

Examples of basic noun phrase:

my bag
Description: my = possessive, bag = head

the next page
Description: the = article, next = number, page = head

phraseComplex noun Noun Phrase

Components of complex noun phrase consists of:

Pre-modifiers, the modifiers are placed before head, namely: determiner, adjective (phrase), participle and another noun.
Head, namely: noun, pronoun, or a number, and / or
Post-Modifiers, a modifier which is placed after the head, namely: prepositional phrases, participle, infinitive, relative clause and Complementation.

Examples of complex noun phrase:

a love letter put on my bag
Description: a = determiner, love = another noun, letter = head, put = past participle, on my bag = prepositional phrase

The rich in the world who care with the poor.

the = determiner, rich = adjective, in the world = prepositional phrase, who cares with the poor = relative clause

Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase adalah frasa antara noun, pronoun, atau number (berfungsi sebagai head) dan satu atau lebih modifier.
Frasa kata benda ini digunakan ketika single noun tidak cukup spesifik untuk menunjuk suatu kata benda.

Noun Phrase digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu noun dengan deskripsi yang lebih jelas. Misalkan, girlmenjadi beautiful girlboy menjadi handsome boy. Jadi ketika kita menggunakan Noun Phrase maka kita tidak hanya menunjukkan suatu kata benda, namun juga memberikan penjelasan yang lebih jelas atau spesifik terhadap kata benda tersebut.

Untuk menggunakan Noun Phrase, maka susunlah menggunakan susunan kata berikut ini :

Susunan kata Noun Phrase : Adj + N atau Adj + N + Prep

Keterangan :
Adj = Adjective (kata sifat)
N = Noun (kata benda)
Prep = Preposition (kata depan)

Contoh Kalimat Noun Phrase:

Anda ingin mengatakan ke teman ada bahwa seseorang wanita yang ada dikerumunan orang-orang adalah saudara anda. Maka anda dapat mengatakan:

The fair-skinned woman with a red T-shirt and black skirt is my sister.
Basic Noun Phrase

Komponen basic noun phrase terdiri dari:

determiner, yaitu: pre (multiplier, fraction, distributive, intensifier, exclamative), central (article, possessive, demonstrative), dan/atau post-determiner (number, quantifier).
head, yaitu: noun atau numeral/number.
Contoh basic noun phrase:

my bag
Keterangan: my = possessive, bag = head

the next page
Keterangan: the = article, next = number, page = head

noun phraseComplex Noun Phrase

Komponen complex noun phrase terdiri dari:

Pre-modifiers, merupakan modifiers yang ditempatkan sebelum head, yaitu: determiner, adjective (phrase), participle dan kata benda lain.
Head, yaitu: noun, pronoun, atau number, dan/atau
Post-Modifiers, merupakan modifier yang ditempatkan setelah head, yaitu: prepositional phrase, participle, infinitive, relative clause dan complementation.

Contoh complex noun phrase:

a love letter put on my bag
Keterangan: a = determiner, love = kata benda lain, letter = head, put = past participle, on my bag = prepositional phrase

The rich in the world who care with the poor.

the = determiner, rich= adjective, in the world = prepositional phrase, who cares with the poor = relative clause

Description: Penjelasan Noun Phrase Beserta Terjemahannya Rating: 5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Penjelasan Noun Phrase Beserta Terjemahannya

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